Now Or Later?

Tell us if you’ve heard this before. File for Social Security as late as possible. Sound familiar? That’s because conventional wisdom and a little bit of math tell us that waiting at least until full retirement age (between 66 and 67, depending on when you were born) will net a larger monthly payout than…

A Blind Date With A Destination

It’s a warm spring morning, and the sounds of the lush forest ahead are temporarily drowned out by the whirring blades of the helicopter you’re in. Moments later, you’re enveloped in that moss-covered grove, carrying backpacking equipment and a singular thought: I have no earthly idea…

Your Life, Your Legacy

Life flies by, seemingly stuck on fast forward. Your first bike. Your first crush. Your first child. All in a blink of an eye. Imagine, instead, purposefully slowing things down, in order to live thoughtfully, deliberately, with intention. Take a moment to refocus on the important things in life creates room…

Giving While Living

For one retiree, helping her daughter cover the cost of adoption brought them all immense joy. For siblings whose family has a history of heart disease, a gift to the American Heart Association in honor of their late father gave them hope for a better, healthier future…